.. _installation_windows: ********************* Installing on Windows ********************* This section is for users who wish to install RMG on computers running a Windows operating system. RMG is known to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. There are two methods of installing RMG on windows: an automatic installer (recommended) or a source package. You can find both of these on the `Downloading RMG `_ page. Installer Package (Easiest Method) ================================== 1. Download the Windows installer file from the `Downloading RMG `_ page. 2. Run the installer file and follow the setup instructions. We recommend that you install to the default installation directory ``C:\RMG`` to (1) avoid spaces in the installation path and (2) avoid issues with administrative access, particularly in Windows Vista and Windows 7. The installer will install a complete set of binaries, source code, database, documentation, and examples by default. You can optionally choose not to install one or more of these things if you prefer. Only the binaries and database are required to run RMG. When the installation is complete, you are ready to use RMG. 3. To test that RMG is working, you can try to run one of the examples, such as the "minimal" example. The easiest way to do this is to double-click the ``RMG.bat`` file found in the folder containing the example. Now that you have a working version of RMG, you may wish to install some of the :ref:`optional features `. Once you are ready to run RMG, continue to learning how to create RMG input files, either :ref:`by hand ` or via the :ref:`graphical user interface `. .. _compiling_from_source: Compiling from Source ===================== If you wish to compile RMG yourself, you will need to install a number of dependencies, described below. Java SE Development Kit (JDK) You can download the `official implementation `_ from Oracle (previously Sun Microsystems). We recommend Java SE Version 6. A Fortran compiler On Windows the easiest Fortran compiler to install is `g95 `_. The `gfortran `_ compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection (installable via `MinGW `_) is also known to work. The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK) The easiest way to do this is to download our generic 32-bit DLL files for BLAS and LAPACK from http://github.com/GreenGroup/RMG-Java/downloads. These should be sufficient for most users. Apache Ant `ant `_ is used to generate Java executables. The procedure is as follows: 1. Obtain the source package using one of the methods described on the `Downloading RMG `_ page. 2. Unpack and move the source package contents to your desired installation directory. We recommend avoiding paths containing spaces and paths to folders that Windows places administrative access restrictions on. Something simple like ``C:\RMG`` works best. 3. Set the ``RMG`` environment variable to the path of the RMG installation directory. * Go to ``Start --> Control Panel --> System`` (may need to switch to Classic Control Panel view). Click on the ``Advanced`` tab, then click on ``Environment Variables``. * In the lower half of the ``Environment Variables`` window for System variables, click ``New``. * In the ``New System Variable`` window, in the ``Variable`` name field, type the environment variable name (i.e. ``JAVA_HOME``). In the ``Variable`` value field, type the directory in which it was installed. * Click OK twice to confirm the change. If they aren't already set, you will need to also set the ``JAVA_HOME`` and ``ANT_HOME`` environment variables to the installation directories for Java and ant, respectively, as well as add the folders containing the Java and ant binaries to the ``PATH`` environment variable. 4. Place the BLAS and LAPACK DLL files (``blas.dll`` and ``lapack.dll``) in the ``%RMG%\bin`` directory. You may need to create this directory manually. 5. Compile the programs. The easiest way to do the latter is to execute the file :file:`make.bat` in the :file:`%RMG%` directory, either through the command prompt or simply by double-clicking it. This batch script does not compile the Java source; for this you must run the command ``ant jar`` at the command prompt. If the Java source is compiled successfully, you will see ``BUILD SUCCESSFUL`` at the end of the console output. You should now have the files ``RMG.jar``, ``fame.exe``, ``frankie.exe``, ``GATPFit.exe``, and ``dasslAUTO.exe`` in your ``%RMG%\bin`` directory. If these are present, then you have successfully compiled RMG. 6. To test that RMG is working, you can try to run one of the examples, such as the "minimal" example. The easiest way to do this is to double-click the ``RMG.bat`` file found in the folder containing the example. Now that you have a working version of RMG, you may wish to install some of the :ref:`optional features `. Once you are ready to run RMG, continue to learning how to create RMG input files, either :ref:`by hand ` or via the :ref:`graphical user interface `. RMG Viewer/Editor (RMGVE) ------------------------- The RMG Viewer/Editor (RMGVE) is an accompanying software which can be used for viewing the database of RMG and also the models generated by RMG. The RMGVE is present along with RMG in the ``%RMG%\RMGVE`` directory and need not be downloaded separately. To run the RMGVE just go to the ``%RMG%\RMGVE`` directory and execute ``RMGVE 20080101.bat`` on the command line. The RMGVE directly reads the RMG database ``%RMG%\database\RMG_database`` which includes the thermo data and the kinetics data. Please refer to :ref:`Using the RMGVE ` to see how to modify the RMG database.